Be Consistent and Grow Outward

"Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing. That's the Law of Consistency."

- John C. Maxwell

Why are there so many laws?

There are laws for everything. There are laws of physics, of dynamics, of functions, of design. Laws of religion, of government, of competition, of finance, of living, of growth and evolution, hell there's laws of death I'm sure. So why does everything need a law for us to comprehend an existence?

Law (noun) -  the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.

Laws are systems of governance. Everything in existence follows some sort of law, or system. Now, I'm no researcher or scientist with a PhD in philosophy, I just spend a lot of time in thought and come up with my own understanding from my observations. You may agree with some things or disagree and that is beautiful, because the only thing I want to do is get you into your own thoughts. So hear me out, if we know that everything existing follows some sort of system or law, why do we find it hard to establish a system intentionally within ourselves? When we can be intentional AND CONSISTENT within our system, our growth expands exponentially.

The hard part is that CONSISTENCY. Getting up EVERY DAMN MORNING and taking that one step into the direction we wish to head doesn't seem hard, yet a lot of us fall off quickly. Our minds move away from the tasks because nowadays consistency doesn't move quick enough to catch up with the new TV episode, new Tweet, new Facebook or Instagram post. That moment where we feel ourselves pulling away from the system we created for our growth, that's the moment where our self discipline has to take control.

There goes that word again, discipline. The word that we've been conditioned from childhood to associate with bad behavior or fear. "Don't touch that or I'll put you in timeout". "Don't talk back to me or I'll smack you in the mouth."  "If you challenge me again, I'll send you to the principals office." Yes, there's been good forms of discipline taught from our parents or neighbors, however, most of the discipline I recall are the results that lead to something being taken away. But as I've grown into my adulthood, I realize the shift in discipline to equal up to something being rewarded to me after remaining consistently disciplined in whatever plan or path I've chosen to follow. How I get there is based on the systems, or laws, I've created for myself to follow... CONSISTENTLY.

So, what laws do you follow for your self growth? What systems have you made to help you remain CONSISTENT every day, every week, every month? Comment below what systems you're creating. Let's Keep Growing!


 - Jamal Henderson

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