This is my Ageless Voice

Jamal Henderson is a Los Angeles based Actor, Model, and lover of books who has always stated that it was the arts that chose him, and his heart agreed. A late bloomer to acting, it was engineering that first caught his eye, having earned degrees in both Architectural and Civil Engineering (science fiction… yes please!). It wasn’t until after graduating from college that he decided to pivot to his new and forgotten love… Acting. Along with being an engineering graduate and trained actor, his added background as a college track athlete contributes to his sense of discipline as well as awareness of his body, its limits and new ways to stretch beyond them.
Jamal has a voice that ranges from being warm, supportive, and aspirational to strong, confident, and presentational. Having both a city side and a country side in his family also shows itself in his accents, being able to deliver southern and general american dialect. His experience from years of acting and modeling helps him bring life to his characters and transport you into the world of the story!
Outside the booth, and when not perched somewhere with a book in his hand, Jamal loves staying active. Whether it’s taking up kickboxing classes, golfing, playing basketball or hiking, he’s always finding some kind of experience to throw his body into. He is avid believer in being forever a student and is currently learning to play the guitar and speak French, though that list is ever evolving. He lives by the motto, “Tomorrow always comes, so meet today as if you’ve won.”

Narration Samples

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